Problematic Alcohol and Drug Use
It’s no surprise that the stress that COVID-19 has caused in our lives has also led many, including family and friends, to turn to alcohol and drugs. If you are finding yourself or a loved one doing the following, you may need to seek help.
- Frequent binge drinking (four or more drinks within two to three hours)
- Being unable stop drinking on occasion
- Feeling cravings for alcohol, prescription medication, or opioids
- Experiencing poor work or school performance due to alcohol or drug consumption
- Avoiding important activities, interests, or hobbies because they interfere with your alcohol or drug intake
- Engaging in potentially dangerous activities (driving, unsafe sex, physical altercations) after alcohol or drug use
- Constantly wondering if you have an alcohol and/or drug problem
The path for overcoming a serious alcohol or drug problem is through connection. Please call 2-1-1 for help, or contact a local counselor, social worker, or clergy member who can provide guidance to a treatment program near you.